? Research for PECH Committee: Costs and benefits of spatial protection measures as tools for fisheries management 2022, Technical Reports
? Catálogo Transformador de la Pesca Artesanal. Ciclo: “Saberes sobre la mesa. Hacia sistemas y prácticas alimentarias sostenibles”. 2021, Technical Reports
? El sector del marisqueo de Carril: un análisis económico para el período 2010–2020 2021, Technical Reports
? Cost–benefits analysis actions and societal perceptions to reduce marine litter 2021, Technical Reports
? Survey design and preliminary results of the COVID–19 on the EU aquaculture sector 2021, Technical Reports
? Scientific Report of the ICES Working Group on Resilience and Marine Ecosystem Services (WGRMES) 2021, Technical Reports
? Diagnóstico sobre el estado de las poblaciones de peces de interés comercial para la flota española en el Atlántico Nororiental 2021, Technical Reports
? Assessing the ecosystem and climate impacts of the Total Allowable Catches regulation in the European Common Fisheries Policy 2021, Technical Reports
? BluEscola: unidad didáctica para la biodiversidad y servicios ecosistémicos marinos en las Islas Atlánticas 2021, Technical Reports
? Market Opportunities for Octopus in the Atlantic Area | Cephs & Chefs: Summary of main achievements 2021, Technical Reports
? Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). The 2021 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet (STECF 21–08). 2021, Technical Reports
? Informe técnico del Grupo de Trabajo de Pesca Marítima Recreativa en España. 2021, Technical Reports
? STECF 20–05 – Criteria and indicators to incorporate sustainability aspects for seafood products in the marketing standards under the Common Market Organisation 2021, Technical Reports
? Tras la huella del atún listado (Katsuwonus pelamis) en el sistema alimentario: una especie relevante en el mercado y consumo español 2021, Technical Reports
? Assessing the viability of implementation of acoustic systems and best–practices on board to reduce marine litter with Portuguese and Spanish legal authorities 2021, Technical Reports
? Diseño de indicadores para el monitoreo de servicios ecosistémicos marinos en áreas naturales protegidas 2021, Technical Reports
? Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 67th Plenary Report (PLEN–21–02), Ulrich, C., Doerner, H. (Eds.). 2021, Technical Reports
? Estado del arte de la investigación sobre los servicios ecosistémicos marinos en áreas naturales protegidas en España 2020, Technical Reports
? Northwestern and Northern Continental Europe: updated catch reconstructions to 2018 2020, Technical Reports
? La relevancia de la merluza en el sistema agroalimentario español: Del mar al plato 2020, Technical Reports