I am a social and interdisciplinary scientist from Galicia. My approach to the EqualSea Lab was born out of admiration for the commitment work of Dr Sebastián Villasante. I joined the EqualSea group in 2021, participating in the ECOSER 2.0 project “Effectiveness of natural protected areas in the contribution of marine ecosystem services to human well-being”.
Currently, the focus of my work is based on the development of theoretical and applied research for the improvement of resilience and governance of artisanal fishing communities and the processes of management, formulation, evaluation and implementation of public policies in the field of civil, public and private organisations.
The problem of democratisation, inequality, human welfare, the improvement of the public-private administration and management function is a central theme in the development and interest of my approach to the scientific field and my academic research. This interest, on the other hand, arises from the experience with practical research and dialogues, in the field, on the context of the problem. Specifically, these elements appear in my trajectory for having participated in innovative projects in the field of artisanal fishing communities and citizenship in Galicia between 2008 and the present. An experience that I have been acquiring, among others, with the work developed with organisations such as AZTI (Basque Country), INAP (Spain), Xunta de Galicia (Dirección Xeral de Comercio, Dirección Xeral de Avaliación do Rendemento). And, specifically linked to the small-scale fishing sector, I highlight the theoretical-practical projects developed with the Lonxanet Foundation for Sustainable Fishing (FLPS), AZTI, and EqualseaLab.
At the methodological level, I work with mixed methodologies and with a participatory-transformative and pragmatic approach.
I have a degree in Political Science and a PhD from the University of Santiago de Compostela. I have developed applied social research in the fields of economics, political science, anthropology and sociology.
I promoted the I Costa da Morte-Fin da Terra- Fin do Camiño Tourism Congress, following the Prestige oil tanker accident in Costa da Morte. With the College of Political Science and the Faculty of Political Science in Galicia, I organised and promoted the “I Xornadas en Historia Política de Galicia”.
Disseminate, understand and engage global society in the interest of good governance, democratisation, social innovation, participatory management of public policies, engagement in social movements, sustainability, civic culture and public participation, adaptive co-management.
Study of innovation, collective intelligence, public management, organisational management, sustainable socio-economic development, equity and inequality.
Processes of sustainable and equitable governance between actors.
Conflict and principles of cooperation of the commons in the management of natural resources.
Qualitative and interpretivist analysis in the management of social action, interaction and social structures.
Analysis, study and dissemination of structural and dialogical approaches in the management of natural and social commons.
Discourse, thematic and belief network analysis based on local ecological knowledge among, from and for actors, stakeholders and organisations.