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About us
About us
Equalsea Project · ERC
Ongoing projects
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From Sea to Street
EqualSea Lab in the media
Technical Reports
TIDES form
Mapping TIDES – Transformative Initiatives Driving Equity in our Seas
I agree to take part in this survey
Informed Consent
I am 18 years or older and I am competent to provide consent;
I have been fully informed about the aims and purposes of the Project. I understand that there is no compulsion to participate in the Project and, if I choose to participate, I may at any stage withdraw my participation;
I have read the information about this research and this consent form, and I fully understand the description of the research that is being provided to me;
I agree that my data, collected by this survey, is used for scientific purposes and I have no objection that my data is published in scientific publications in a way that does not reveal my identity;
I freely and voluntarily agree to be part of this research study, though without prejudice to my legal and ethical rights;
I understand that I may refuse to answer any question and that I may withdraw from this research at any time without penalty.
I hereby declare that I meet the above requirements
Identification of the initiative
In this section, we would like to know more about the initiative you are proposing for inclusion on the TIDES platform.
What is the official name of the initiative?
In which country (or countries) does the initiative take place? Please name all countries in which the initiative takes place.
Please indicate the exact location of the initiative (region, city).
If available, please provide the website or social media page of this initiative.
How did you find out about the initiative?
I take/took part in this initiative
I study/ied or work(ed) for the initiative
I discovered the initiative through somebody else (e.g., a colleague or friend, etc.)
I discovered the initiative on the internet (e.g., webpage, social media, etc.)
I discovered the initiative in other media (e.g., TV, press article, etc.)
In which year did the initiative start (e.g., 2005)? If you are unsure about the exact date, please provide an estimate (e.g., around 2005).
What is the current status of the initiative?
Project to be initiated
Implemented and ongoing
If applicable, until which year will the initiative last (e.g., 2025)?
Briefly describe the initiative, focusing on its main objectives.
Please rate each theme according to its relevance for the initiative.
Conservation of fisheries resources
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Responsible seafood farming
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Conservation of the environment
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
End overfishing
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
End illegal fishing
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Adaptation/mitigation to climate change
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Improve livelihoods and food security
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Coastal development
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Gender equality
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Equal access to resources
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Indigenous communities
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Vulnerable communities
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Human rights and abuse in fisheries or aquaculture
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Markets and value chains
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Fishing practices
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Aquaculture practices
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Governance and management
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Values and beliefs
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Not relevant at all
Slightly relevant
Moderately relevant
Very relevant
Extremely relevant
I don’t know
Does the initiative partly or fully take place in a Protected Area (e.g., Natural Park, Marine Protected Area, Special Area of Conservation, etc.)?
I don’t know
If you answered yes to the previous question, please provide the name of the Protected Area(s).
Is this initiative related to the fishing or aquaculture of a given species or group of species (e.g., bivalves, octopus, shrimp)? If yes, please specify the species or species group.
Who is in charge of the initiative? Multiple answers are possible.
Fisher association(s)
Aquaculture association(s)
Industry (processors, middlemen, exporters/importers, wholesalers, retailers)
Academia (i.e., universities and research institutions)
Government and/or management authorities
Women in the fisheries and aquaculture sector
Coastal community
Indigenous community
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
I don’t know
Other (Who is in charge of the initiative?)
If possible, please provide the name and the contact (email address or phone) of the person in charge of the initiative.
Who are the key actors participating in this initiative? Multiple answers are possible.
Fisher association(s)
Aquaculture farmers
Aquaculture association(s)
Industry (processors, middlemen, exporters/importers, wholesalers, retailers)
Government and/or management authorities
Women in the fisheries and aquaculture sector
Coastal community
Indigenous community
Non-governmental organization(s) (NGO)
Other (Who are the key actors participating in this initiative?)
Who finances the initiative?
Public sector
Private sector
Both public and private sectors
I don’t know
Could you estimate how many people participate in this initiative?
Up to 10
Between 10 to 100
Between 100 to 1.000
Several thousands
Over a million
I don’t know
In your opinion, does the initiative directly contribute to one or several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Please indicate below, multiple answers are possible
1. No poverty
2. Zero hunger
3. Good health and well-being
4. Quality education
5. Gender equality
6. Clean water and sanitation
7. Affordable and clean energy
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
14. Life below water
15. Life on land
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
17. Partnership for the goals
I don’t know
Could you provide any links to material about the initiative (e.g., video, press article, scientific article, etc.)? If you do not have links, please feel free to send us additional material to
Send email
Transformative capacity of the initiative
In your opinion, what are the most innovative aspects of the initiative (e.g., use of a new technology, creation of a new product, new markets or new label)?
Could you estimate how many people have benefited from this initiative so far?
Up to 10
Between 10 to 100
Between 100 to 1.000
Several thousands
Over a million
I don’t know
Who benefits most from this initiative? Multiple answers are possible.
Fisher association(s)
Aquaculture farmers
Aquaculture association(s)
Industry (processors, middlemen, exporters/importers, wholesalers, retailers)
Government and/or management authorities
Women in the fisheries and aquaculture sector
Coastal community
Indigenous community
Non-governmental organization(s) (NGO)
General public
Other (Who benefits most from this initiative?)
In your opinion, does the initiative have (or has it shown) capacity to generate a positive change for environmental health and/or social equity of the fisheries or aquaculture sectors?
Yes, the initiative has great potential for positive change.
Yes, the initiative has some potential for positive change.
I don’t know
What type(s) of changes has the initiative generated so far? Multiple answers are possible.
Changes in behaviour l (e.g., increased compliance with rules and regulations, implementation of sustainable fishing/aquaculture practices)
Cultural (e.g., changes in customs and traditions)
Technical (e.g., capacity building)
Social (e.g., jobs, social inclusion)
Environmental (e.g., health of marine ecosystems, conservation of fisheries stocks)
Economic (e.g., profits, value of the products)
Technological (e.g., new traceability technology)
Institutional (e.g., creation/update of rules and regulations, increased control and surveillance, implementation of co-management)
The initiative has not generated any impacts yet
I don’t know
How long did the initiative take for impacts to emerge?
Less than 1 year
Between 1 and 5 years
After 5 years
I don’t know
At which geographic scale do you perceive the impacts that the initiative has generated so far?
Mostly at the local level
Mostly at the regional level
Mostly at the national level
Across several countries
At a global level
I don’t know
Do you think this initiative has the potential for more impact through:
Reproducing the initiative in other regions
Involving more people but at the same region
Involving other actors that have not yet been involved (e.g., national government, global organisations, local people)
All the alternatives above
I don’t know
What is needed to help the initiative more effectively achieve its goal? Multiple answers are possible.
More financial support
Capacity building (e.g., training courses, mentorship)
Longer time of execution
Improved commercialization channels
Higher awareness of the initiative on the media (e.g., TV, press article, social media)
Improved management system and rules
Improved governance and support from governmental authorities
Better collaboration and cohesion of stakeholders
Stronger involvement of producer organisations
Other (What is needed to help the initiative more effectively achieve its goal?)
General information about you
Please note:
any personal information provided in this section will not be shared with third parties unless you provide your authorization below.
What is your name?
What is your contact email?
If we want to learn more about your initiative, do you authorise being contacted by the EQUALSEA team?
If you are the person in charge or representative of the initiative, do you authorise the publication of your name, contact email and the webpage of your initiative (if available) on our webpage ( so other people can contact you to know more about your initiative?
I’m neither the person in charge nor the representative of the initiative
Where do you live (country)?
Would you like to receive information about the TIDES mapping?
Would you like to receive information about the progress of the EQUALSEA project, its findings and outputs?
Please indicate your role (if any) in the fisheries or aquaculture sector.
Fisher association
Aquaculture farmer
Aquaculture association
Industry (processor, middleman, exporter/importer, wholesaler, retailer)
Government or management authority
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
General public
Thank you for taking part in the survey!
If you have any extra comment and/or suggestion, please add it here.