19 Apr Constance is visiting us! :)
Our colleague Constance Rambourg, from Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS) / University of Wollongong (Australia), is visiting the EqualSea Lab this week.
Constance completed her Master of Maritime Policy with Honours at the University of Wollongong in 2020. There, she is now working on a PhD thesis on the topic of modern colonialism in overseas territories’ large-scale marine protected areas (LSMPAs), so their work is work is very much related to our lab.
She is also a member of the Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Program and a research assistant at Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS), taking part in various projects covering themes such as the blue economy, fisheries management, and marine conservation policy. Constance Rambourg has a background in English and French Law and is fluent in both languages, facilitating her work in francophone territories and States.
On Tuesday, she gave us a very interesting presentation on his research. In her thesis, she is critically analising the impact of modern colonialism in overseas territories through the lens of LSMPAs, evaluating metropolitan States’ compliance with international law in the context of the designation and management of overseas territories’ LSMPAs, assessing the extent to which overseas territories have access to capacity support from their metropolitan States, international, and regional partners to achieve LSMPAs’ conservation objectives, and exploring the significance of overseas territories’ singular legal and institutional framework with regards to the implementation of LSMPAs.
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